“The Kiddie Clubhouse is a unique play space for mainly children 8 and under. There is an indoor playground area and other space for activities to build balance, coordination, agility and creativity. They offer open play times Monday-Friday 2 1/2 hours per day and allow for 1 hour private sessions to be booked for families who feel more comfortable without others. Right now, they provide a “pay per session” type of structure but hope to be able to implement some type of membership option in the future.
Along with this, they save the weekends to specialize in hosting fabulous custom birthday parties and events. They work with you to design the party to make your child’s day extra special! 🎈
While the Kiddie Clubhouse is still a newly-opened business, they have become known for their cleanliness and safety, which is of course a HUGE benefit today. Not only do they have 2 UV filtration systems and clean the gym and toys after each session, but kids above the age of 2 and parents must wear a mask and socks at all times.
I believe that this is a business that definitely deserves some recognition during times like these! They are taking all the right precautions in order to be able to provide a safe environment for children to have a much needed place for social interaction and skills development.”